Foto Andreas Aae/Peponi
BIGFestival 2011-2023
From 2011 to 2023 Bornholm International Street Theater Festival – today called BIGFestival – took place on Bornholm.
For 13 years the festival – initiated by Niels-Peter Kløft from “Dansk Rakkerpak” – was organised by volunteers*.
We are very proud and happy to have brought a wide range of professional Danish and international theatre to Bornholm for 13 years: Theatre art, classic street theatre, modern contemporary circus, performance and modern dance – for an international audience of all ages and free of charge!
Since 2024 there has been no festival.
Volunteer festival organizers through out the years Niels-Peter Kløft from “Dansk Rakkerpak”, Jette Glavind Pedersen, Sanne Prag and Lene Kofoed fra “Teaterforeningen Bornholm”, Thomas Danielsen and Helene Høm from “Undreværket” – and many, many, many, many local helpers!
Tak for en forrygende festival i 2023!
BIGFestival havde mere end 6000 tilskuere i år og (næsten) helt perfekt vejr til teater under åben himmel!
Tusind tak til alle skuespillere og artister, som tog rejsen til Bornholm og optrådte.
Thanks for a magnificent festival in 2023!
BIGFestival had approx. 6000 spectators and (almost) perfect weather for open-air theatre!
Thank you to all the actors and artists who travelled to Bornholm and performed.
Læs mere under / Read more under: “Resume 2023″
BIGFestival Arrangeres frivilligt af Undreværket & Teaterforeningen Bornholm og finder sted hvert år sidst i juli.
Festivalen var
BIGFestival is organized voluntarily by Undreværket & Teaterforeningen Bornholm and takes place every year in late July.
2023 var støttet af / 2023 was supported by: Statens Kunstfond/ The Danish Art Council, Dansk Artistforbund og Bornholms Regionskommune, samt Teaterforeningen Bornholm, Undreværkets Kunst- og Kulturforening, Musik- og Teaterrådet i Bornholms Regionskommune, Bornholms Folkebiblioteker, Aase og Einar
Danielsens Fond, William Demant Fonden, Sparekassen Bornholms Fond, Bornholms Brand, Brd. E., S., & A. Larsens Legat, BRK’s Bypuljemidler fordelt af Rønne-Knudsker Byting, Gudhjem By- og Museumsforening og Hasle Byting.
En stor tak til/ Thanks to: Gudhjem Erhvervsforening, Spektakel, M/S Thor, Provianten, Dansk Rakkerpak, Cafe Klint, Cafe Norresân, Gudhjem Camping, Team Bornholm, Ruske Living,Gudhjem Is, Scala Gudhjem, Dagli´ Brugsen Gudhjem, Aakirkeby Hallerne, Mostballaden, Tejn IF, Bornholms Teater, Wonderfestivall, Nyvest Centret, Svaneke IF, Restaurant Brøddan, Musikhuzet, Grønbechs Gård, Carla Kiefer og festivalens mange frivillige!